
Stepping Up

The Stepping Up resource, created by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services in Ontario provides information on youth leadership and ways to engage youth to volunteer more frequently. It describes the initial steps of providing more opportunities for youth to step up, harnessing their contributions and includes different opportunities around Ontario (4-H, Premier's Council of Youth Opportunities, etc).


PovNet is an online database of different resources, poverty action advocates and government information. The website includes information on how to apply for EI, social housing, etc. It also includes links to government information, research and general information about poverty.

2013 Annual Canadian Human Rights Commission Report: Aboriginal

The Canadian Human Rights Commission published a 2013 report stating that Aboriginal people are often disadvantaged and face more discrimination. The report states that many Aboriginal women do not seek justice for fear of retaliation by those who are discriminating against them. The report also states that the federal government needs to call an inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and then goes on to state that overall, Aboriginal people are disadvantaged compared to their non-Aboriginal counterparts in almost every sector. 

Assembly of First Nations

The website of the Assembly of First Nations provides informative links to policy areas, resolutions, news and media, and AFN's stance on issues/changes affecting First Nations peoples. This site  provides useful information in regard to Aboriginal human rights recognized internationally by the UN and nationally by Canada. It also offers an overview on the AFN Youth Council and its work in social development, the National Youth Summit, Tri-Council, and Forums. 

National Aboriginal Nutrition Program

Canadian Feed the Children offers  the National Aboriginal Nutrition Program to ensure young Aboriginal students receive at least one nutritious meal during their school day and that families as well as communities receive programs to learn about nutrition. The program hopes to assist in combatting poor health and educational outcomes in many Aboriginal communities. 

Parliament of Canada

The Parliament of Canada website offers information about the Parliament and its members. MPs are responsible for representing the needs of the residents of their region federally. It is useful to contact them you become aware of a systemic issue that is affecting your community. Information to contact the Prime Minister's office is also located on this website. 

Martin Aboriginal Education Initiative

The Martin Aboriginal Education Initiative offers information on its education initiative, the need for this work ,and current initiatives under way to assist in bridging the gap between educational outcomes between Aboriginal Peoples and Non-Aboriginal Peoples.  These initiatives include the Aboriginal Youth Entrepreneurship Program, Accounting Mentorship Program, We Stand Together Campaign, Model Schools Project, and Promising Practices in Aboriginal Education website.


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