
3rd World Canada

3rd World Canada is a production and an initiative created by Andree Cazabon. The film and the website explain the conditions in Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation in Northern Ontario and how the conditions on this reserve are that of a third world country. The film is available for purchase on the website and it includes other information, such as Production Cazabon's past trips North and opportunities for citizens to pay to attend week-long sessions on the reserve.

Justice for Children and Youth

Justice for Children and Youth is a service that provides legal services for any youth under 18 in Ontario, including homeless youth up to the age of 25. Their website has options such as being able to talk to a lawyer and to learn more about their different initiatives such as Street Youth Legal Services. 


PovNet is an online database of different resources, poverty action advocates and government information. The website includes information on how to apply for EI, social housing, etc. It also includes links to government information, research and general information about poverty.

Keep the Promise

Keeping the Promise is an advocacy group that's goals is to end child poverty - on their website, they have a specfiic section for Indigenous child poverty. This section includes an explanation of systemic disadvantage, explaining how reconciliation is possible and also includes resources for both students and teachers.

Native Women's Association of Canada

The Native Women's Association of Canada strives to better the lives of Indigenous women, girls and their families through advocacy and policy work. Some of their main areas of interest are: education, health, justice, violence protection and human rights. Their website explains the issues within each area - for example, the high numbers of Aboriginal women in prison is listed under justice. They provide documents and resources on how change can be achieved. 

National Aboriginal Nutrition Program

Canadian Feed the Children offers  the National Aboriginal Nutrition Program to ensure young Aboriginal students receive at least one nutritious meal during their school day and that families as well as communities receive programs to learn about nutrition. The program hopes to assist in combatting poor health and educational outcomes in many Aboriginal communities. 

John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights

The John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights provides facilitation resources sorted by elementary, junior high, high school, and community based on the themes of disabilities, environment, gender, peacebuilding, citizenship, and Indigenous topics. It also provides a facilitation guide to assist teachers in establishing a safe environment and respectful approach where all members of the group can contribute.  The search engine located on the site additionally allows for specific topics to be narrowed down.


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