child rights

Aboriginal Policy Initiative

The National Reading Campaign has been doing work in Aboriginal Policy regarding reading. On their website is information about their initiative which includes three round tables in the next three years. The purpose of the initiative is to promote reading to Aboriginal children across Canada. They also encourage Aboriginal children and youth to read and write their own stories. Their website also includes many resources and an abundance of research surrounding the topic of reading. 

World Vision: Canadian Programs

World Vision has been working in Canada to improve the quality of life for children in low-income families, families that are new to Canada and Aboriginal families. There are three reporta attached that outline the difference they have made in Canada. Their website also provides information about their global programs.

Keep the Promise

Keeping the Promise is an advocacy group that's goals is to end child poverty - on their website, they have a specfiic section for Indigenous child poverty. This section includes an explanation of systemic disadvantage, explaining how reconciliation is possible and also includes resources for both students and teachers.

YOUCAN Edmonton

The YOUCAN website provides  leadership resources for youth and educators on non-violent conflict resolution to improve community relations. The website also offers publications of how programs by YOUCAN have been making change in their communities.


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