Distress Centre Ottawa and Region
If you are in the Ottawa, Ontario region and need help, call
Ottawa and Gatineau: (613) 238-3311
Regions of La Vallée-de-la-Gatineau, Les Collines-de-l'Outaouais, Papineau, Pontiac: 1-866-676-1080
Help is available 24/7, 365 days a year.
Tel-Aide Outaouais:
Un service de confiance: 1-800-567-9699
Ligne d'écoute (Gatineau) : (819) 775-3223
Ligne d'écoute (Ottawa): (613) 741-6433
Lignes d'écoutes de 8h à 24h, 365 jours par année
The Québec Ombudsman
The Ombudsman is the office to contact if you feel government, other public bodies and trustees have not acted fairly or openly. To fill out a complaint form, go to
Toll-free across Québec: 1-800-463-5070
Québec City: (418) 643-2688
Fax : 1-866-902-7130
Centres jeunesses
To report suspected child maltreatment, call the Centre jeunesse (child protection agency) for your area (see website). For services in English on the island of Montreal, call Batshaw Youth and Family Centres at (514) 935-6196. For services in French in Montreal, call Centre jeunesse de Montrèal at (514) 896-3100. In Quebec City, call (418) 661-6951.
Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse
The Commission helps children and youth receiving services under the Youth Protection Act or the Youth Criminal Justice Act to ensure that rights are being respected.
Phone: 514 873-5146
Toll free: 1 800 361-6477
TTY: 514 873-2648
Access to Justice - Aboriginal Resources List 2013
The Access to Justice: Aboriginal Resources List 2013 provides contact information of organizations that offer supports and at times brief summaries of various avenues Aboriginal Peoples can take in accessing justice as of 2013.