on reserve

Convention on the Rights of the Child

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is a document about the basic rights that children have around the world. It talks about the basic needs of children that need to be met to allow them to be safe and grow up healthy. Children have the same basic rights as everyone else, but they do have more rights that are specific to them in their family and the role they take in their community. It explains the services that governments have to provide to children to protect them and meet their needs.


Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

This Declaration talks about the basic rights that every person has, but with more specific rights included for Indigenous people all over the world.

This Declaration was made because of the trouble Indigenous people all over the world have gone through in the past and are still going through. It is meant to reinforce Indigenous rights, strengthen the relationship between the government and the people and to recognise the duty that comes with this relationship.

Procedure under the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

This Procedure is a guide that tells you what you need to do if you wanted to make a complaint about a country that has broken an agreement about human rights. If you are making a complaint in place of someone else, you will need to get permission from that person in writing, to have proof. This will need to be sent to the Human Rights Committee.

How does it work?

Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women


This Protocol is a guide that tells you what you need to do if you wanted to file a complaint about a country that has treated a woman unfairly. If you are making a complaint in place of someone else, you will need to get permission from that person in writing, to have proof. This will need to be sent to the Human Rights Committee.

How does it work?

Optional Protocol to the Convenant on Civil and Political Rights

This Protocol is a guide that tells you what you need to do if you want to file a complaint about a country that has broken an agreement about human rights. If you are making a complaint in place of someone else, you will need to get permission from that person in writing, to have proof. This will need to be sent to the Human Rights Committee.

How does it work?

3rd World Canada

3rd World Canada is a production and an initiative created by Andree Cazabon. The film and the website explain the conditions in Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation in Northern Ontario and how the conditions on this reserve are that of a third world country. The film is available for purchase on the website and it includes other information, such as Production Cazabon's past trips North and opportunities for citizens to pay to attend week-long sessions on the reserve.


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