
Social Action Project: Canadian Aboriginal Children's Rights

The Social Action Project: Canadian Aboriginal Children's Rights provides links to lesson plans designed for grade six students. The aim of these lesson plans is for the students to gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by Aboriginal Children  and to learn of ways to promote social justice for others.  This website also provides many other resources for bringing social justice and concerns of environmental sustainability into the classroom and inspire student to become engaged citizens. 

Canadian Human Rights Commission

The website of the Canadian Human Rights Commission provides human rights resources such as access to webinars, frequently asked questions, provincial/territorial links, publications, and media in Canada.  There are explanations of nationally recognized human rights, obligations and protections. The informative videos are accessible to a larger audience through the use of ASL, captioning, and voice-over. 


Your Life Your Rights: A Guide to the Rights of Young People in British Columbia

Discusses why your rights as a young person are important and the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child. The specific rights, complaint process and supports for youth in care in British Columbia are summarized. Health care coverage, the youth justice system, mental health and many community services that may be useful in supporting young people's wellbeing are also detailed. 

PolicyWise for Children & Families

Alberta-based PolicyWise for Children & Families provides free access to resources from past presentations and research reports that have been conducted to guide policy within Alberta with the aims to improve the overall wellbeing of all children and families. There are specific research initiatives available through this website that were undertaken to explore the disparities faced by first Nations, Métis, and Inuit children. 


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