
World Vision: Canadian Programs

World Vision has been working in Canada to improve the quality of life for children in low-income families, families that are new to Canada and Aboriginal families. There are three reporta attached that outline the difference they have made in Canada. Their website also provides information about their global programs.


PovNet is an online database of different resources, poverty action advocates and government information. The website includes information on how to apply for EI, social housing, etc. It also includes links to government information, research and general information about poverty.

Keep the Promise

Keeping the Promise is an advocacy group that's goals is to end child poverty - on their website, they have a specfiic section for Indigenous child poverty. This section includes an explanation of systemic disadvantage, explaining how reconciliation is possible and also includes resources for both students and teachers.

2013 Annual Canadian Human Rights Commission Report: Aboriginal

The Canadian Human Rights Commission published a 2013 report stating that Aboriginal people are often disadvantaged and face more discrimination. The report states that many Aboriginal women do not seek justice for fear of retaliation by those who are discriminating against them. The report also states that the federal government needs to call an inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and then goes on to state that overall, Aboriginal people are disadvantaged compared to their non-Aboriginal counterparts in almost every sector. 

Native Women's Association of Canada

The Native Women's Association of Canada strives to better the lives of Indigenous women, girls and their families through advocacy and policy work. Some of their main areas of interest are: education, health, justice, violence protection and human rights. Their website explains the issues within each area - for example, the high numbers of Aboriginal women in prison is listed under justice. They provide documents and resources on how change can be achieved. 

Congress of Aboriginal Peoples

The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples' National Youth Council provide  Aboriginal Youth living off reserve a voice within the congress and will  try their best to assist youth to locate necessary resources. The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples have also launched an Aboriginal Youth campaign for civic engagement along with a toolkit called Find your Voice. 

Assembly of First Nations

The website of the Assembly of First Nations provides informative links to policy areas, resolutions, news and media, and AFN's stance on issues/changes affecting First Nations peoples. This site  provides useful information in regard to Aboriginal human rights recognized internationally by the UN and nationally by Canada. It also offers an overview on the AFN Youth Council and its work in social development, the National Youth Summit, Tri-Council, and Forums. 

Promising Practices in Aboriginal Education

The Promising Practices in Aboriginal Education website links visitors to educational resources that have been developed to explore Aboriginal culture from early childhood to professional development. The website includes promising practices to support education within Aboriginal communities and taking place across Canada, as well as documents about current issues facing Aboriginal communities. 


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