
National Association of Friendship Centres

The National Association of Friendship Centres provides a search function to locate a Friendship centre near you and opportunities for Aboriginal Youth to have their voice heard as part of Aboriginal Youth Council.  The association offers resources through New Journeys for those needing service to aid in their transition to Canadian cities. There are also links to reports by the Urban Aboriginal Knowledge Network, as well as  publications and policy initiatives from the National Association of Friendship Centres. 

Your Movement

World Vision Youth Canada is a Christian advocacy organization which has created the Your Movement website  to share stories of youth engaged in social change across the world. The website aims to  inform youth about issues relating to poverty and to support youth who would like to be a part of the  change with their own World Vision Youth campaign. 

Human Rights Handbook for First Nations

The Human Rights Handbook for First Nations is for people who work for First Nations governing bodies to understand and address human rights challenges in their communities. This handbook briefly summarizes which employers/service providers are likely to  be regulated by the federal government. It also provides quick facts, media coverage, publications, a toolkit for developing community-based resolution processes, and a guide for understanding the Canadian Human Rights act in Cree, French, Inuktitut and Ojibwe.

Aboriginal Children: Human Rights as a Lens to Break the Intergenerational Legacy of Residential Schools

The paper Aboriginal Children: Human Rights as a Lens to Break the Intergenerational Legacy of Residential Schools discusses the historical context influencing Aboriginal children's wellbeing today and the ways a rights perspective can assist in creating equality for Aboriginal children and families. 

Now a Matter of Rights: Extending Full Human Rights Protection to First Nations

The article from the Canadian Human Rights Commission "Now a Matter of Rights: Extending Full Human Rights Protection to First Nations" serves as overview of changes in legislation to defend the rights of First Nation Peoples and  to prevent of discrimination  within First Nations communities. The article stresses the importance of developing community-based dispute resolution processes. 


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