
3rd World Canada

3rd World Canada is a production and an initiative created by Andree Cazabon. The film and the website explain the conditions in Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation in Northern Ontario and how the conditions on this reserve are that of a third world country. The film is available for purchase on the website and it includes other information, such as Production Cazabon's past trips North and opportunities for citizens to pay to attend week-long sessions on the reserve.

Youth Sector

This resource is published by the Chiefs of Ontario and encourages First Nations Youth to create their own youth councils so that their voices can be heard and experience leadership positions. The resource explains how First Nations youth may empower themselves and become advocates and provides information on developing a council. 

Aboriginal Policy Initiative

The National Reading Campaign has been doing work in Aboriginal Policy regarding reading. On their website is information about their initiative which includes three round tables in the next three years. The purpose of the initiative is to promote reading to Aboriginal children across Canada. They also encourage Aboriginal children and youth to read and write their own stories. Their website also includes many resources and an abundance of research surrounding the topic of reading. 

Your Legal Rights

Your Legal Rights is an Ontario database that provides the reader with information about their legal rights on a variety of subjects, including (but not limited to): housing, family, education and human rights. 

Native Youth Sexual Health Network

The Native Youth Sexual Health Network is an organization throughout Canada and the United States that is aiming to work through issues related to sexual relationships and reproduction through the continent in a human rights perspective. Their website includes information on fighting homophobia and transphobia, as well as different projects such as the Grandmother Spirit Project and School Pushout. Also listed on the website is phone numbers for help-lines and different useful centres/circles.


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