Aboriginal Legal Services of Toronto
Aboriginal Legal Services of Toronto's Legal Advocacy Program assists clients by providing legal advice and advocating for legal reform. More information on their website.
Aboriginal Legal Services of Toronto's Legal Advocacy Program assists clients by providing legal advice and advocating for legal reform. More information on their website.
3rd World Canada is a production and an initiative created by Andree Cazabon. The film and the website explain the conditions in Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation in Northern Ontario and how the conditions on this reserve are that of a third world country. The film is available for purchase on the website and it includes other information, such as Production Cazabon's past trips North and opportunities for citizens to pay to attend week-long sessions on the reserve.
This resource outlines how municipalities can work to better serve marginalized populations such as Aboriginal people, those who are deaf, women, people with disabilties, racialized people and newcomers and seniors. It involves information on how to engage communities, create mandates, types of training and how to ensure the change is sustainable.
This document prepared by the Rural Ontario Institute is prepared to empower children and youth to create a council that will allow their voices to be heard in their community on what they believe would benefit the youth in their area. It includes information about forming the group, what the groups roles are and other important information such as funding.
The Stepping Up resource, created by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services in Ontario provides information on youth leadership and ways to engage youth to volunteer more frequently. It describes the initial steps of providing more opportunities for youth to step up, harnessing their contributions and includes different opportunities around Ontario (4-H, Premier's Council of Youth Opportunities, etc).
DILA is an Ottawa based organization which provides children and youth with information about different social and environmental movements and gives them tools to be able to engage in social justice advocacy. They offer conferences and programs that can be brought directly to schools.
Justice for Children and Youth is a service that provides legal services for any youth under 18 in Ontario, including homeless youth up to the age of 25. Their website has options such as being able to talk to a lawyer and to learn more about their different initiatives such as Street Youth Legal Services.
This is a resource created by the Ontario Human Rights Commission (Crown Copyright) on your rights and what your rights are when it comes to special programs - which are programs that are meant to advantage different groups in a certain settings (for example: a scholarship that is only for persons with disabilities).