
Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone is a free place to call or webchat 24/7 for those under 20 years old who need someone to talk to. They are anonymous and confidential.  Visit their website or call them:

Toll free: 1-800-668-6868


Mindyourmind is an online interactive webpage for youth between the ages of 14 and 24 who are interested in learning more about or are dealing with mental illnesses. The website includes information on different mental health related problems, as well as daily tips and online interactive pages.

Aboriginal Policy Initiative

The National Reading Campaign has been doing work in Aboriginal Policy regarding reading. On their website is information about their initiative which includes three round tables in the next three years. The purpose of the initiative is to promote reading to Aboriginal children across Canada. They also encourage Aboriginal children and youth to read and write their own stories. Their website also includes many resources and an abundance of research surrounding the topic of reading. 


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