
Social Action Project: Canadian Aboriginal Children's Rights

The Social Action Project: Canadian Aboriginal Children's Rights provides links to lesson plans designed for grade six students. The aim of these lesson plans is for the students to gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by Aboriginal Children  and to learn of ways to promote social justice for others.  This website also provides many other resources for bringing social justice and concerns of environmental sustainability into the classroom and inspire student to become engaged citizens. 

Canadian Human Rights Commission

The website of the Canadian Human Rights Commission provides human rights resources such as access to webinars, frequently asked questions, provincial/territorial links, publications, and media in Canada.  There are explanations of nationally recognized human rights, obligations and protections. The informative videos are accessible to a larger audience through the use of ASL, captioning, and voice-over. 


John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights

The John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights provides facilitation resources sorted by elementary, junior high, high school, and community based on the themes of disabilities, environment, gender, peacebuilding, citizenship, and Indigenous topics. It also provides a facilitation guide to assist teachers in establishing a safe environment and respectful approach where all members of the group can contribute.  The search engine located on the site additionally allows for specific topics to be narrowed down.

Kids Help Phone's Resources Around Me

The Kids Help Phone website allows children and youth to type in the area where they live and receive a listing of services within their community that may be of help in a variety of circumstances. The site also offers a teens' and kids' version of the site where supports can be found, opportunities to learn more about well being taken and stories shared. 

Many Hands One Dream

Many Hands, One Dream is an initiative by the Canadian Paediatric Society to holistically improve the health of Aboriginal children, youth, and families across Canada.  The society advocates for Jordan's Principle and provides steps that community members can take to assist in creating this change for Aboriginal families. 


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